Aug 6·edited Aug 6

There is a lot more planned and underway on this front.

The combination of this carefully engineered financial crisis in the third world, based on the US fed jacking up interest rates while stimulating commidity price rises driven by war and conflict + the existing need to implement sustainability and prevent climate change....... is also designed to "shake out the tree" so to speak.

If you notice, at every policy forum the rich and their financial sector companies they own, in chorus constantly bleat about the "essential role of private capital" or the "need for the private sector" to be structured into all new policies for development in the global south countries.

By THAT what they mean is the governments must only be allowed to develop their essential infratructure (roads, water systems, electricity and energy systems, schools, medical facilities etc) by taking in debt from these western financiers, or by directly mandating them to be private monopolies owned by companies and banks and venture capital firms of the western financiers.

So rather than national debt, they are now structurally going to literally own and control the essentials of life in the global south. Hands on.

In doing so, basically there will be in effect, a tax on life and and all development in these countries, going directly into the pockets of the rich via their companies and the financial entities that they own and control.

These people are ghouls - vampires socking on the veins of everyone.

To be rich already and their children already rich guaranteed, is not enough for them. No - they also have to gurantee that the grandchildren and great grandchildren of everyone will already also now be guaranteed to be serfs of their rich descendants.

Its disgusting.

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