One would never believe that a country that was able to attract countless smart people would be so idiotic that it foolishly used its own currency, with which it gained so much advantage, as a jerk stick against other nations, and now they whine that they don't want to use the dollar ! I think that dollars can only be accepted in the near future by those vassals who are forcibly kept "temporarily" in the hands of the USA ! However, the question must also be asked, when will a country that is so heavily indebted that its book value no longer covers the debt save ? Or does the USA imagine that no rules apply to it ?

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Wishful thinking by my White Brother. mBridge goes live January 1 and 150 BRICS countries will trade on it, using toxic dollars only when necessary.

By 4Q next year, US inflation will be 14%.

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Thank you for this article. The sooner dedollarization happens the better. It is a key part of ending of the empire, its global hegemony and its flouting of international law. Bring it on.

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