As always, Ben Norton, thank you for your scholarly insights.

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Txs guys for your info.

But today Sam Altman of OpenAi is saying that Chinese have stolen trained data from ChapGPT... Ha, ha, ha.... whatever is true or not, good job Chinese!! Keep pushing, keep crushing all of those warmonger companies that are supporting and helping Israel to commit more and more atrocities with AI!! And I'm pointing specifically at Micropork, and Nazi Scroogle.


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Das Capital, baby. Uncle Sam's fraud machine is in trouble.

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This is exactly the type of Geopolitical information that will expand the audience. Keep punching!

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The neanderthal neocon Republicans like Tom Cotton are accusing China of stealing the U.S. intellectual property. Arrogance and condescension of the West just because China can produce new and better technologies at a fraction of the cost like EVs.

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Fascinating read.

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Happy Lunar New Year

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Make China Great Again

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I lived in China. China/the Chinese means self-confidence/hard work/wisdom/intelligence/discipline/modesty/resilience and peace. The phrase "world peace" is usually a typical sign of hypocrisy and duplicity when uttered by a member of the U.S. ruling class. In the American foreign policy playbook and narrative, you are either with us or against us. Not so in China. A Chinese professor eloquently said in a TV discussion program the other day, "We consider outsiders either as friends or potential friends. Such humanity, nobility, wisdom, and common sense. Go China, go. Help us get out of this madhouse and rebuild a better world.

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Deepseek...China's version of Oreshnik.

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