Nice article, Ben. Your coverage of the issues is a regular breath of fresh air.

Todd is way off base on NATO though. It's not "Washington-London-Warsaw-Kiev"; it's D.C., period. We call the shots. It simply doesn't matter what our vassal states think or want. Ironically, that is exactly what Mearsheimer has said repeatedly . . . Todd didn't do his homework before criticizing the king!

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It's not "Washington-London-Warsaw-Kiev"; It's Washington-Israel.

And it's not Russia/China. It's Russia/China/Iran and the Shia Cresent.

"Russia and China are supporting the biggest enemies of Israel, i.e. the Shia Crescent that has almost surrounded Israel and stopped its expansion"


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That's ignorant racism, and igno9rance racism skews one's perceptions. We're simply in an era of anti-Jewish racism is considered cool again, by a certain sector. Reality is that Israel is a tiny country, roughly the size of New Jersey alone, and it takes everything they've got just to survive. And out in the real world, it's not "all about race.": It's about wealth and power.

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Another excellent article cleaning my geopolitical eyeglasses. I fear is when psychopaths are pushed into corners, as Putin recently said, they would rather destroy the world then admit defeat.

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great macro view and a truly different perspective to the norm. thank you.

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I listen to your podcasts regularly. I appreciate your articulate, well organized, informative discussions of current events which gives me many insights about what is really happening which is ignored by not only the corporate media, but even supposed progressive outlets. Yes, you are the best!

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A Canadian military leader said recently to a parliamentary committee where he was requesting increased military spending, that the war with China and Russia has “already begun”.

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Excellent ! Ben you are the best !

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