The quixotic west refuses to accept it only speaks for 16% of the world's population. In spite of its endless wars and knee- jerk intransigence it is ultimately marginalizing itself. "The west vs the rest" is its death knell. As it focuses on weakening others it weakens itself.

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"improving our relations with the 'Global South'". That ship has sailed.

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NIce recap, txs!

Europeans didn't choose to side with Nato and USA after 1991. European Commission did, and those from actual Commission are mainly north europeans siding with the neo nazi philosophy of the last 45 yrs, at least, USA has developed.

For the one that are not European, I'll gently remind that EU Parliament and EU Commission are a fake, Illegal, illegitimate form of Government built for that "war" purpose on behalves of US . In EU with DO NOT have a common Constitution so, in any western Democracies, without common rules, rights and duties, independent controllers to balance powers, THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY at all, so if you like you can call EU the Fourth Reich... or the Euro Reich.

Back to this post. Remind you the famous doc "For a new American Century" as the final turn to Nazi mode by any US Government of the last 30 yrs almost. To be noted that since Nixon scandal, with the exception of Bush senior, they had only puppets/actors as Presidents, as Zelensky is: from Regan to Obama to Biden to Clinton and back to the toxic Bush Jr.

But in that picture one leader is missing that is Putin. Why?

I finally suggest your readers to have a look to that very nice and strong document released recently by the Chinese Foreign Affair Minister.... "USA hegemony and its perils" a nice synthesis as only Chinese culture can do, after some years observing western behaviors and moves! I'm translating it in my fascist nation's language in more parts on my blog. ;)

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Indeed Ukraine made it clear what the reality of the EU is, a kind of slow cooker coupe of the 'globalists', it isn't surprising to us all how easily the nazi ideology fits in.

Elections are coming for Brussels, these vultures are panicking and may become very dangerous.

Russia understands this all very well. (at last!)

They inflict a lot of damage to this hellhole in Brussels, just by going slow, it helps a lot to make them collapse under the weight of there own hubris.

Destroying the EU economy by themselves this way. (And a great help of the US)

This way they (US/EU) keep on thinking that there is a chance of "winning".

To late for them to find out there wasn't any chance to win.

China has some smart people around, I will look for document, thanks.

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Jungle Josep (in courtesy of The Duran ;) ) noticed driving full speed ahead that the wheels are coming of?

His solution is going faster, instead of trying to stop, and start talking with Russia.

To late Josep, Ukraine is lost because of you and your bosses in Washington.

The same for Israel, which isn't even a country, it's a terrorist organization.

Occupying the sovereign state Palestine.

The UN should move away from New York, it doesn't belong in a backwards thinking country.

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"The West" in supporting exploitation, brutal sanctions, genocide and war has shown itself to be a criminal enterprise. No sane leader who cares about his country wants to ally with these monsters.

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Thanks for the article ! I’ve published four articles about politics, but in relation to the psychology - you may like !


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