Sanctions should be rightly declared illegal. It's a form of meddling with a sovereign country. "We don't like what you're doing so we're going to punish you for it until you do what we want you to do". Just looking at the map for the first vote shows who is enacting sanctions and who is receiving them.

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Economic sanctions; as is laying siege, are an act of war.

They primarily represent an attack on civilians. And hope to inspire a population to change their government's ways to be more Wall Street, Military Industrial Congressional Complex friendly.

— Bend over or else.

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FI've written it before, and I will write it again. The UN needs to be turned into a democratic institution where the US,UK, France, China & Russia don't have ceto powers.

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the West only uses terms like democracy and human rights when the electorate votes for someone they don't like...and sanctions are a great way to hurt poor folks halfway around the world.

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Interesting to see SWITZERLAND show up in the minority only on the mercenary vote. But the "Swiss Guard" in Vatican City + centuries long tradition of Swiss infantry as contract soldiers might explain this?

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Thank you guys! Your work is great and unique!

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