Makes me ashamed of my country.

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Don't have high enough expectations for my country to even be ashamed tbh. Imperialism gonna imperial.

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And most of the countries depicted in grey are puppet states or aligned with the USA. Maps like this send one very urgent message: We must establish a multipolar world that is fair to all countries and lifts all boats. A multipolar world is not just an option, it is essential for global survival where peaceful co-existence, democracy, rule of international law, and reciprocity prevail.

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Now let's talk about all those countries who voted yes, and just how much pressure the US/EU/UK puts on these countries to go along with the sanctions. How many of these countries have been or are currently under sanctions? Along this line is the Ukraine war and how top US military officials visiting many of these countries in the South tried to get them to give Ukraine war materials. My understanding is most countries in Latin America wouldn't comply but Chile gave them mine clearing equipment. President Boric has had multiple discussions with Ukrainian Pres Zelensky. He even was allowed to speak before Congress. President Boric like some others speak out of two sides of their mouths; Human rights, anti-imperialism, etc and then behind everyone's back they support the US. My theory is the US has their hands around these president's necks, and if you step outside of supporting them then you will be sanctioned or worse, removed via a financed coup into the hands of the far right factions who the US wants in power. This way they can steal their natural resources and install multinational corporations to destroy a countries wealth and destroy its citizen's livelihoods. This is how the game is played today. I can only hope that what we're seeing with Mexican President AMLO and Brazilian President Lula trying to bring the South together to stop the imperialist. Also, the use of the SUR as a means of working around the dollar, that they will have greater impact as a group of nations to move us further away from becoming more totalitarian like the US has become.

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Sanctions are clear sabotage and cause immense human suffering. Interfering with other countries economies affects their people's well being and rarely changes their government's ways. Always resort to diplomacy first.

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Non-aligned with what?

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The term generally refers to countries who do not peg their own foreign policy to supporting various geopolitical blocs around the world. e.g. South Africa has no real interest in fully throwing in with the US or China, and instead supports issues on the basis of what makes sense for South Africa.

An obvious counter example to this would be the UK - which plays second fiddle to the US and joins it in all its ill advised adventures (like the Iraq invasion) even if these actions are in a more objective sense not beneficial to the UK. This is because the UK ruling class identifies more with the interests of the US ruling class than to the interests of the UK as an independent nation.

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Thanks, so no principles involved, just calculations of national, or perhaps class, interests?

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Apr 9, 2023
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Russia's invasion of Ukraine should be solved diplomatically. Make concessions to Russia and stop expanding NATO, since this is a prime reason for the war. China's peace proposal does favor Russia but it is preferable to the continuation of war and may be a temporary solution. We should try to achieve demilitarization of world governments/ an overall reduction of military spending through pacts and treaties. Genocide in Darfur is the ethnic conflicts, right? We should work diplomatically with their governments and propose ways to lessen ethnic tensions, building economic stability and possibly separating rival groups and giving them more sovereignty. Sudan's leaders are playing their people and manipulating them, but I'm afraid US information wars may lead to imperialist manipulation by the US as well rather than truthful information. Offer asylum for refugees. Bombing them like we did with Yugoslavia is not a solution.

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Maybe organize literacy brigades in South Sudan as their population is heavily illiterate. A lot of the conflict in South Sudan is related to contest over resources, so decommodifying water supply and sending clean water to South Sudanese people to relieve this might help. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-southsudan-food/up-to-4-8-million-south-sudanese-face-severe-food-shortages-u-n-idUSKCN0ZF1KY

It is always important to look at the root causes of conflicts.

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food* sorry not water, i misread

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We have enough food globally to feed 10 million people, so world collaboration to relieve hunger in the region via various initiatives free of exploitation and extraction would heavily reduce conflicts.

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Apr 10, 2023
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Honestly I agree that food distribution is the problem hence my statement that we already have enough food to feed 10 billion people. In extreme cases where diplomatic solutions can't be reached a swift military intervention might be acceptable but I don't trust the United States to be honest in their intervention, considering their history. Sanctions usually don't help.

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