"This is a decisive moment for the rule of law. Two rogue, nuclear-armed states, the US & Israel, are on a global rampage, trampling human life and international law underfoot. Will international institutions stand up or bow to lawless bullying?"

Craig Mokhiber's statement says it all.

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I absolutely HATE US with a passion now. Before i thought they were just up themselves idiots. Now i know better. They are worse than the plaque, covid. These are serious criminals (mafia or Vatican lose big time). Yet their arrogance will be their downfall as they are a cornered animal at this time. Why? They rely on the model of 1970’s. Never caught up with social media (and thank christ for that). Only blessing really. They are the true enemy and seriously Americans deal with it. And yes i was one of those idiots that thought all international institutions stood foe NEVER AGAIN. Again controlled by US. I did n

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I did not see that coming. But here it is. So either i crawl into a hole and still pretend the west is civilised or i look at reality. F…ck take me back 8 months and i totally didn’t have a clue. But i am willing to open my eyes once pointed out. Tbh i have

always hated politics so avoided it. But i will not stand by to a genocide. Never. Over the last 8 months i have educated myself. It has taken its toll but i will stand corrected every single time when truth is staring you in the face. So 63yrs of age. Martyrdom meant suicide bombers thinking they would get 72 virgins in afterlife. May sound ridiculous now but that is what was pumped into us and since that was a concept unknown to us very scary. Dial forward 8 months ago. Knew nothing about Palestine. But once i heard totally onboard. Either you give a shit or you don’t

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There is, unfortunately, only one court of justice (let’s say, Injustice) in the world that prevails and has the means to enforce its injunctions! and, as you will have understood, the holders of the “manifest destiny”, those paragons of democracy that are the United States of America, whose foreign policy is dictated by the Knesset, by the voice of PM Netanyahu invited to lecture the US congress…

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Well done. Thank you for highlighting so clearly the hypocrisy.

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The Hegemon sends the diplomats to make demands and threaten. Now they're being ignored and laughed at. It's a good sign.

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If I understand correctly, self-defense is not a legal defense against charges of war crimes. It's legal for both the Israelis and the Palestinians to defend themselves against military attack or occupation, however it's not legal for individual participants or leaders to engage in war crimes while doing so. War crimes are wrong in both cases and cannot be excused by the actions of the other side.

For this reason, charging leaders of Israel and Hamas with prohibited crime against humanity, such as purposeful terror attacks on civilians, does not seem to me to be "both siderism." It's more like equal application of the international. And it should not be read a verdict on the rightness or wrongness of the underlying motivation or cause of either side. That is a separate issue. The court (ICJ) is being asked to render a collective judgement on either side's cause, only the individual criminal responsibility of five specific individuals, each accused of specific criminal acts.

This is very different from the UN's court (ICC) which decides cases in which the parties are entire countries, not individuals or leaders. It's important to remember these differences so that the significance and limits of specific decisions can be properly understood.

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breaking: genocidal war criminals realise that they commited warcrimes.

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