Jul 30Liked by Ben Norton

As always, thank you Ben for your clear, concise, evidence-based reporting.

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Ben speaks the truth, which is increasingly harder to find. I introduce everyone I can to his work. He can simplify complex issues and has opened up the eyes of many people I know. Keep up the great work Ben!

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The US government will do ANYTHING to negate the election of someone they don't like. If the polls don't support their desired outcome, they'll simply use another poll and make some stuff up about "irregularities" in voting. These irregularities are becoming such regular occurrences that no one believes a single claim the US government makes anymore. You can't cry "wolf!" forever.

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Excellent reporting of the extremely important, albeit completely unsurprising, US misinformation campaign to manufacture consent for a 'military intervention' (coup) in Venezuela following a progressive presidential candidate's electoral victory.

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Jul 30Liked by Ben Norton

Indeed, Musk and his breed believe in transparency and first amendment rights to spread lies and promote self-interest, against which we need to be immunized with revelations GE provides. My biggest irritation is being denied consumer access to China's EV and solar technology to benefit low-life humans and capitalists like Musk - another reason why the Democratic Party needs to go away along with the intellectually fraudulent Republicans.

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Wait, was this done under an administration in the U.S. that claims we must re-elect them in order to "save democracy?"

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wait for it: bankrupted israeli port gonna be "rescued" the BlackRock via GIP according to plan

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and then the Ben Gurion canal and the offshore gas field will have its funds for the finality of the project that is the true reason for the genocide in Gaza

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If here in the European Union, in Hungary, the USA dared to support the ex-communist opposition with huge sums of money against the Orbán government, which is supported by the majority of the population, then why should I not believe that the USA interferes in a disgusting way in the free elections of other countries, such as Venezuela !

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I’m so fed up with the rogue USA government terrorising countries and nation all over the world. Go fuck yourself USA/Israel. STOP interfering in countries business! STOP terrorising! STOP invading and killing! You disgust me 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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Quelle surprise

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Very nice, thank you. You are so perfect.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

Let's compile a list of these fake NGOs think tanks and consultancies that are false front for the spooks. Because people should know what is going when these propaganda outfits all simultaneously are quoted in the mainstream media as "experts" and sources.

So in this article we have

- Edison Research

- National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

- US Agency for International Development (USAID)

Here are some others:

- Horizon Advisory

- Freedom House

- FDD (Foundation for the defence of Democracy)

Follow the funding and sponsorship trails for this den of professional liars and criminals. When you see them mentioned to provide credibility in the news, well it's not news, it's government issued mind-control propaganda.

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Radio Liberty. Radio Free Europe. Palantir? Council on Foreign Affairs. Atlantic Council.

To tell the truth, Amazon, Meta, Alphabet, and Oracle are deeply entwined with the CIA and National Security State. The Deep State itself is simply the Foreign Policy Establishment of the United States (FPEUS). The FPEUS is said to have been behind the JFK assassination.

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