Thank you for this eye-opening article. Most of us are woefully underinformed about China's inner workings, so articles like yours are very helpful.

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It would be interesting to compare the cellphone addiction of the American people (those who vote and are the cause of the situation in USA as it is] with the Chinese people.

As Chris Hedges excellently explained: "[...]we live in a society where we're mesmerized by electronic hallucinations[...]" Chris Hedges on capitalism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pugr_ZFgpoY

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It's a decade since Gilens and Page revealed the empire is naked oligarchy, and still the vast majority of people are pretending otherwise. But at this point pretending it away is downright dangerous, as the US oligarchy aims to subjugate the entire planet and turn it all into ints own personal playground with slaves.

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Great article! I really need to learn more about the structure of the Chinese political system, with all the lies and distortions you’re constantly surrounded by here in the West.

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Hi, just a question about China’s multi level elections system. Are only people elected by a local people’s congress (at the lowest level) eligible to be elected for higher level people’s congresses,including the National People’s Congress? Does Xi Jinping (and each member of the Politburo) have to be a member of every level of the people’s congresses, right down to the local (lowest) level? If so, which local people’s congress is Xi Jinping a member of?

If even Xi Jinping has to be elected to a local people’s congress, then China’s election system has parallels with the Westminster system, where every Minister must also be a local MP.

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We humans have been struggling to govern ourselves for ages without much success. The US experiment in democracy looked hopeful but it failed. God bless the Chinese for their latest efforts, they have a long history to learn from.

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This is a partly baseless argument, because both nations are an outcome of top-down power and planning. Both societies in deep ecological crisis and overshoot. F*CK China and F*CK USA, as both are totally unsustainable techno-industrial parasite projects.

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