Very entertaining to see how psychotic Washington treats China and Eurasia as if 88% of the world's population is squatting on its territory. Especially when China is the world's oldest continuous civilization. To think America might push the world into nuclear war as a scapegoat for its failings and refusal to except that the rise and fall of empires are the inevitable cycles of history.

It is historic fact that the USA made a lot bad decisions actually accelerating China's

economic miracle and now it has to accept the verdict of changing times and get back to reality.

America should be paying reparations for all the heartache and suffering it has caused worldwide for so many decades.

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I wonder how dangerous you think the reaction of the US. Will be to defeat in Ukraine

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We've lost or fought to a draw wars and proxy wars before (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria). Hopefully a loss in Ukraine will be similar.

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They’ll just blame Z.

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The psychopathic, certifiable idiots running the US government cannot even convince their own abused population of their leadership . Good luck with Asia or anywhere else where some portion of common sense still abides.

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The USA should not be modest, it would be time to sew the skull and crossed leg bones on their flag, let everyone see the reality that this is a pirate republic, only a country of thieves and violent robbers. They could even sew up what Hussein Obama said as a slogan: "We will break the arm of any country that does not fall in line!"

You are worthy successors of the British Empire, but as it has now become toothless, the time will naturally come when you will join the long line of past empires when Odoaker comes to you !

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Mark Twain's 'the true flag.'

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