Our societies become pathetic self-deprecating mirror images of the wars we fight.

Truly unfortunate the United Nations is Washington's lap dog when it should be a strong and independent voice for world peace and civility.

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What US oil companies operate those wells?

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Looks like its a U.S. company called "Delta Crescent Energy", see e.g. this source: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/03/delta-crescent-energy-syrian-oil-391033. It's a small (37 employees as per LinkedIn) company based in Louisiana.

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Apr 16, 2023·edited Apr 16, 2023

I met a cab driver in Tulsa once who was from Suwayda and was Druze, not Muslim. He was an engineer of some kind in Syria. He was very frustrated that he couldn’t work as an engineer in the US. Google translate is an incredible tool.

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Xu asked a good question which the lapdog failed to answer, which shows hypocrite of west institutes. Hamas Hezbolah and the Arab club shoot /armbush these thieves while they are stealing oil to Iraq border side

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They've been lying since they went rogue and took out JFK and feel invincible and unanswerable except to their own god. Greed. I expect as more countries kick the West out, there'll be more false flag attacks and killing of the innocent, but these countries must stand united and firm. The West will flex its false muscle, but we decimated our own weapons, military since they went woke, and petro-dollar and divided our own country, we near civil war.

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Liars gotta lie. And shamelessly too.

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If things get hotter, one of these days a few cruise missiles may hit our bases in Syria. Russia or China could supply them to Syria. US populace is so dumb they don't even know we have troops there.

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