We have now reached the point where no one will believe the word of the West ! It's a disgusting world where liars who consider themselves gentlemen laugh over champagne at the fact that not a single word they say can be believed ! The more we move away from this shiny set of lies built up by robbing others, which they grandly call the "Free World", the more you can believe in that word, a cannibal from Papua New Guinea is more trustworthy than an English lord, a Bantu black if he gives his word, you can be sure of that to shut up while the puppet who is puffing himself up in the White House laughs and lies in the eyes of the voters !

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hey Ben, I'm wondering what you think of Radhika Desai's comments in the recent interview with Danny Haiphong, regarding Merkel's interview, where Radhika says she read the German version of that interview and Merkel says (according to Radhika) “Yes, in retrospect, signing those Accords gave Ukraine time.” Which in Radhika's opinion is different from saying, “We intended to fool Russia all along.” Radhika also brings up, if the goal was to fool Russia, "why would Merkel have engaged in Nord Stream One, Nord Stream Two, and various other measures to make friendly relations with Russia?" https://youtu.be/CkQCSPM2QUY

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The point Radhika was making (which I agree with) is that Germany was not necessarily planning for war with Russia; it seems that Berlin was genuine in wanting the Minsk accords to succeed. But Merkel acknowledged Ukraine (and the US, UK, and NATO) used Minsk to buy time to prepare for war.

So the point is that Germany was not necessarily pushing for war, it was Ukraine and its sponsors in the US, UK, and NATO.

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Thanks for the clarification!

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In realpolitik intentions are not final - results are.

7 or 8 years of an unaltered, "bad" decision or deal are final.

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I'm very sorry, I'm having trouble following you. Would you mind expanding on that? I'm a novice at all this.

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I´m a novice too. But holding the Minsk 2014 & 2015 deals honest (even accepted in UN) somehow during 7 to 8 yeares not at all honored but in spite of this fact being sincerely meant, is exactly a hoax to "win time". And for what is adamantly now known and officially admitted e.g. by Merkel.

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Interesting is this video by Prof. Wolff about the 2 wars that are fought in the Ukraine:


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Only when the last American artillery shell has been fired in The Ukraine, only when the last Ukrainian soldier has been killed in The Ukraine and only when the last of Ukrainian state territory has been irretrievably lost from The Ukraine will The Americans and Europeans finally realize that God Favours Russia . . . https://les7eb.substack.com

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Indeed are foreign leaders, or certain of them, considered enemies of The State.

As for The West, it is not the world, nor the eyes of the world nor the world stage.

It is, say, the 12.5% - a minority in the world as measured by population, territory and, most importantly, resources and industrial manufacturing power, the latter two it is largely without. In that realm, the realm that counts, China and Russia dominate. Hence the Western Mainstream Media perpetual motion machine of vilification, which also serves to cover for their incompetent Western Leaderships.

Russia will take that part of The Ukraine for agricultural and resource wealth - The East. The Western parts look likely to got to certain other states.

Whatever does happen is decided by Russia and not Washington.

Thus, God Favours Russia . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/p/ukraine-long-proxy-war-vi-god-favours

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