Trump promises a lot of things, but he was Prez for 4 years, so we already know he's mostly bloviating BS. Carnival barkers gonna bark.

Seriously, tariffs don't work unless you already have an industry at home that's actually manufacturing stuff. All our stuff's manufactured in China, so all tariffs do is to raise prices for ordinary Americans.

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BRICS is happening regardless of Trump. What do the US have to sell? Weapons I suppose.

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The only export out of the US is lies. Like the Swiss with their cheese and watches, nobody produces lies like the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by Ben Norton

Tarrifs would only punish US citizens who will have huge inflation in their country....while the rest of the world has cheaper goods to pick from.

What's more, these kinds of threats will only ACCELERATE the shift from the dollar, already now.

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💯. He doesn’t understand how tariffs work and he’s so poorly read that he doesn’t know or care that he doesn’t know. And this is a supposed graduate of (Ivy league) Wharton Business School.

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I doubt that.

It’s a sign of fake “populist” politicians and a huge pool of the electorate so dim they will wave flags while they get screwed. Trump and the rest of the oligarchy gets richer with these tariffs.

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This is what it comes down to: U.S. hegemony -- "Full Spectrum Dominance" -- versus the entire world. The U.S. absolutely will not back down because without dollar hegemony it is a financialized, failed, militaristic state with few of the raw materials, components, or finished goods its population consumes without reciprocating per the Super Imperialism scam Michael Hudson revealed in 1972 and G/E followers understand so well.

It is over. All the U.S. sells are predatory debt and weapons, neither of which anybody needs. It is threatening war it can't win (because its defence industry is a financialized hustle that produces fictional capital, not sufficient weaponry to fight a real war) with Russia and China. Now Trump is threatening to stop "buying" -- meaning trading worthless IOUs for -- anything the entire world has for sale. Excellent! The entire world should stop doing business of any kind with the U.S.

That will bring us to the moment of truth with world's most vicious serial killer, the U.S., which will be left with the choice of mass nuclear murder-suicide -- because, like a school shooter who can't live with himself because he is is such a miserable failure that he chooses to go out in a blaze of "glory" taking as many innocent people's lives with him in a paroxysm of resentment and vindictiveness as he can -- or joining the human race.

The U.S. public can end this crisis if they rise up and tear down the entire criminal enterprise that is the United States. Violence will never end the U.S. empire because it specializes in violence, but it can be resisted. And that is what the U.S. public has to do. Unite and Resist. Despite the empire's relentless brainwashing pitting Americans against each other, convincing them they "LOVE" their country, and that resistance is futile. Shut it down, my friends, and save the human race from nuclear destruction by a handful of deranged, entitled, deluded madmen in Washington, DC.

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Ironically, few besides staunch Marxists advocated for abandoning the dollar. Despite the Federal Reserve's misuse of the system over the past two decades, global trade participants had a vested interest in maintaining stability. That is, until the Department of State decided to weaponize it.

Other issues, like over-financialization, could have been addressed more sensibly and discreetly among involved nations: "No more quantitative easing or stimulus packages for at least 30 years, please." We could have found ways to cooperate and gradually reduce excess liquidity through more wholesome methods.

China was content to sell us all kinds of stuff in exchange for funny digital bits called dollars , as those bits represented the universally coveted "shiny rocks" of global trade.

Then, the shortsighted leaders of the "two-oceans tribe" - traditionally the sole provider of these "shiny rocks" - decided to sanction tribes that weren't sufficiently enthusiastic about certain social issues like male anal intercourse or chopping kids penises. Suddenly, some tribes couldn't use the "shiny rocks" anymore. However, they still had goods that other tribes wanted. With the "shiny rocks" now forbidden, clever minds quickly realized that the big tribe's currency wasn't as secure as once thought.

Now, imagine my tribe in the mountains needs salt from a distant coastal tribe, but they no longer accept "shiny rocks" as payment. It's going to be challenging to find an alternative to the "shiny rocks." I have many of them and would hate for them to become worthless, but the big tribe is leaving us with few options.

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Coming from the Russian Mafiya mule who traded his life in for RUBLES and rambles on with that same old crusty Four Chan crack to invent a ‘100% tariff’ on his own coffin ⚰️ … I seriously just don’t care. We ain’t going back to his weird ass freak zone.

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Except for their Eurocolonial vassals, the rest of the world is rapidly “de-risking” their economies from dependence on the U.S. and EU. Last one out, turn off the lights!

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What does the good old capitalist USA sell? The Merchants of Death sell weapon systems for state-sponsored narco-terrorists. Together with the billionaire genocidalists, they also sell the drugs to increase the death/suicide rate of American youth via George/Alex Soros Open Society NGOs.

As Joe Biden said, "The U.S. Economy is the Envy of the World".

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Trump the Fuctard!

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