When all you got is money all you want is more money. It is becoming more and more evident what this is leading to.

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How elegant Petro. Thank you bringing it to our attention Mister Norton/

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Wow! Show the rest of the world Colombia how to have some 'spine' against the Imperialist USA.

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Petro caved after about 3 hours. Pretty, poetic letter though.

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Oh shit. What is the matter with these leaders. All he has to do is deal with BRICS!

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International treaties (TLC) are signed with the respective penalties. Besides as you read he is the first leftist president, which means all our political establishment and MSM are in opposition, calling for rebelion and even for economic sanctions against their own country.

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Beautiful, powerful and stirring words!

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Dear Ben,

Your translation of Petro's Twitter/X post that responded to President Trump's threats was very moving to me. Poetic indeed! I have followed you now for over 6 years and your investigative journalism is among the top independent sites in the US (sourced from China). You are by far the in the lead on geopolitical economic policy. Excellent, just excellent. Through your and others efforts, larger portions of the US population are beginning to understand the predatory economic enslavement that we have been experiencing in a "up close and personal" way over the past several decades. I cannot thank you enough for continuing to provide us with top flight journalism while simultaneously earning a degree in economics. I don't know how the hell you find the time to do it but, I am honored that you do. The time of the US/EU Oligarchs glorifying themselves will soon be over. I hope the humane devastation they continue to cause will follow.

Peace, Guy

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Colombia sent criminals to the US, illegally. The US wanted them to take them back. The leader of Colombia approved this transfer. Then, as the US troop transport plane arrived, he changed his mind and WOULDN’T TAKE HIS OWN CITIZENS BACK! Why?

He flip flopped on his acceptance of the returning prisoners, rejected them, and then flip flopped an hour later. He is a buffoon.

Tell the WHOLE story, not part. The whole story is journalism. Partial stories twisted to fit an agenda is propaganda.

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Thank you for writing this and giving a translation of Petro's letter. Individually countries might not be able to withstand, but in tandem BRICS, the global South and who ever joins, can stand against the bullies and war mongers. Hope that day of global resistance comes soon

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US corn farmers told the orange freak not to mess with their second largest market. The petty asshat caved in a NY second. Good for Petro, who’s endured a concerted campaign against his government sponsored by our lovely National Endowment for Democracy.

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The only way that this kind of resistance would have worked is if it was coordinated. Imagine the majority of the destination countries rejecting the flights jointly.

Preface it with a regional treaty whereby sanctions are balanced by liquidation/nationalization of the sanctioning nations assets in a country at a corresponding percentage or to an approximately equal market value.

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You can’t reject having your own citizens returned to you unless you view the U.S. as a colony.

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Interesting formulation. Perhaps you mean like England refusing the return of people sent forcibly to Australia? I guess it might apply to that. But that is a very specific historical case that bears no resemblance to inter-Americas migration.

In that respect it is interesting to note that Colombia and all neighboring countries, especially Mexico, are open to their citizens voluntarily moving back (and forth) to and from the U.S. Capital freely moves across borders. If labor has the same freedom, we may see benefits we don't even imagine possible today.

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