BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, is buying ports around the Panama Canal, after Donald Trump threatened the Latin American country. The US is trying to hurt China, and help Wall Street.
The anti-life billionaires' mafia in the white house, the greatest evil that exists on this planet (who opetate according to only one rule - bully, destroy, murder and dominate others to enrich themselves and their Wall St mafia buddies) are getting their army of well-intentioned but dumb and deceived MAGA sheep (by far the most heavily propagandized people on the planet) ready for their coming planned attack on china, to ensure the american billionaires' mafia FULL SPECTRUM DOMINATION over all life on this planet.
The well-intentioned but hypnotized and dumb MAGA army of sheep is what the american billionaire mafiosos rely on to obediantly back them and HATE HATE HATE the billionaires' target for takedown, the moment they tell their hypnotized MAGA sheep worshippers "look over there, the evil monstrous scary commie/iranian/chinese/muslim enemy is coming to get ya. But don't you worry, we the patriotic billionaires really really love you and we are here to protect you from that evil scary enemy. All you need to do is obediantely unite behind your great billionaire leader, patriotically rally around the flag, and make sure to keep us - your loving billionaire protectors - in power over you, so that we can create the wrlfare state for billionaires, transfer the planet's wealth and resources upwards into the private hands of the ultra-rich, and as we are preparring the digital technocratic cages to imprison you - impoverished & surveilled serfs - in our new technocratic feudal control system made just for you. But don't forget, we really really love you and we are here to protect you from that evil scary enemy over there who is coming to get ya"
Here is EXACTLY how the anti-life billionaire mafia in the ehite housd play this trick on us (works for them like a charm every single time and we never seem to learn, we keep blindly falling for their trick again and again and again). Please do read this attentively and slowly, it will blow your mind and open your eyes to what how we're being manipulated
The billionaires’ anti-life abusive empire wouldn’t be able to oppress humanity and transfer the planet’s wealth to the ultra-rich without the cheerleading and enthusiastic support of the well-intentioned but dumb & deceived MAGA sheep who are taught in their enclosure/echo-chamber (that they've been herded into using the billionaires' algorithms) that their worshipping and cheerleading for the scum of the earth, the lowest level of human development, mafioso hierarchical billionaire abusers, thieves, murderers, oppressors is the way to “fight the elite and take down the deep state”.
PS. And yes, the clueless mainstream libersls are just as hypnotized as the MAGA sheep and are what the other half of the ruling class (the right-wing capitalist DNC) rely on, but i am focusing here on the deceived MAGA sheep because currently they are the ones who are unwittingly proping up the billionaire ruling class and ensuring the mafia rule over humanity, as explained above
"Fink said before the US presidential election in November 2024 that it “really doesn’t matter” who wins, because both parties would benefit Wall Street."
It seems when they cut out the virtue signalling Dem middle men, and just rule directly, the oligarchs are much more honest about their control over the US government, among other things. They have no respect for the wage slaves and thus don't feel any fear of simply staying the hard class reality of the situation.
When the ventriloquist abandons the dummy and speak directly to you, is there any significant difference? Seems like they just cut the act, that's all. Many people are ludicrously mourning the act. They want that sweet talking dummy back, as though that would change anything.
I doubt that Russia needed any further proof that trusting/partnering with the US was durable for about 5 or 6 minutes, but this little gambit should do it. Trump has lots of weight to throw around, and it is obvious to the world that such will be his go-to strategy. By selling its assets in the Panama Canal, China is “picking its battle”. Russia is watching and will do the same. As the EU goes its own way, and the global south and BRICS does the same, the US is going to find itself alone on the road with only a single ploy at its disposal. As the sea ice continues to melt at an ever-faster rate: I wonder what impact rising sea levels will have on the operation of the canal?
I'm willing to bet that this vague German "Infrastucture fund" will end up with BlackRock and similar companies owning german ports, roads, schools, hospitals, railroads, you name it:
Thank you Ben. Your podcasts are so educational, not hyped like so much that passes for news. I guess or intuit that what is happening now in the USA seems to happen every 100 years ago in a cycle that seems to repeat. Is this an off the wall idea?
Thank you Ben Norton for so succintly outlining the basic stupidity of American foreign policy under Trump. Though I feel it is not just Trump but the US Congress and the American public whoe have been brain washed for decades.
This isn’t Trump’s foreign policy, as much as it’s the empires foreign policy. Foreign policy changes very little from presidential regime, to presidential regime. Congress is 100% aware of what’s going on! Foreign policy lines their pockets too.
The anti-life billionaires' mafia in the white house, the greatest evil that exists on this planet (who opetate according to only one rule - bully, destroy, murder and dominate others to enrich themselves and their Wall St mafia buddies) are getting their army of well-intentioned but dumb and deceived MAGA sheep (by far the most heavily propagandized people on the planet) ready for their coming planned attack on china, to ensure the american billionaires' mafia FULL SPECTRUM DOMINATION over all life on this planet.
The well-intentioned but hypnotized and dumb MAGA army of sheep is what the american billionaire mafiosos rely on to obediantly back them and HATE HATE HATE the billionaires' target for takedown, the moment they tell their hypnotized MAGA sheep worshippers "look over there, the evil monstrous scary commie/iranian/chinese/muslim enemy is coming to get ya. But don't you worry, we the patriotic billionaires really really love you and we are here to protect you from that evil scary enemy. All you need to do is obediantely unite behind your great billionaire leader, patriotically rally around the flag, and make sure to keep us - your loving billionaire protectors - in power over you, so that we can create the wrlfare state for billionaires, transfer the planet's wealth and resources upwards into the private hands of the ultra-rich, and as we are preparring the digital technocratic cages to imprison you - impoverished & surveilled serfs - in our new technocratic feudal control system made just for you. But don't forget, we really really love you and we are here to protect you from that evil scary enemy over there who is coming to get ya"
Here is EXACTLY how the anti-life billionaire mafia in the ehite housd play this trick on us (works for them like a charm every single time and we never seem to learn, we keep blindly falling for their trick again and again and again). Please do read this attentively and slowly, it will blow your mind and open your eyes to what how we're being manipulated
The billionaires’ anti-life abusive empire wouldn’t be able to oppress humanity and transfer the planet’s wealth to the ultra-rich without the cheerleading and enthusiastic support of the well-intentioned but dumb & deceived MAGA sheep who are taught in their enclosure/echo-chamber (that they've been herded into using the billionaires' algorithms) that their worshipping and cheerleading for the scum of the earth, the lowest level of human development, mafioso hierarchical billionaire abusers, thieves, murderers, oppressors is the way to “fight the elite and take down the deep state”.
PS. And yes, the clueless mainstream libersls are just as hypnotized as the MAGA sheep and are what the other half of the ruling class (the right-wing capitalist DNC) rely on, but i am focusing here on the deceived MAGA sheep because currently they are the ones who are unwittingly proping up the billionaire ruling class and ensuring the mafia rule over humanity, as explained above
I love how he said "large American company" because BlackRock is hated by Republican voters lol
"Fink said before the US presidential election in November 2024 that it “really doesn’t matter” who wins, because both parties would benefit Wall Street."
It seems when they cut out the virtue signalling Dem middle men, and just rule directly, the oligarchs are much more honest about their control over the US government, among other things. They have no respect for the wage slaves and thus don't feel any fear of simply staying the hard class reality of the situation.
When the ventriloquist abandons the dummy and speak directly to you, is there any significant difference? Seems like they just cut the act, that's all. Many people are ludicrously mourning the act. They want that sweet talking dummy back, as though that would change anything.
I doubt that Russia needed any further proof that trusting/partnering with the US was durable for about 5 or 6 minutes, but this little gambit should do it. Trump has lots of weight to throw around, and it is obvious to the world that such will be his go-to strategy. By selling its assets in the Panama Canal, China is “picking its battle”. Russia is watching and will do the same. As the EU goes its own way, and the global south and BRICS does the same, the US is going to find itself alone on the road with only a single ploy at its disposal. As the sea ice continues to melt at an ever-faster rate: I wonder what impact rising sea levels will have on the operation of the canal?
This is textbook fascism. Biden admin too was already doing this kind of thing.
Evil Monopoly
And that's just the start.
I'm willing to bet that this vague German "Infrastucture fund" will end up with BlackRock and similar companies owning german ports, roads, schools, hospitals, railroads, you name it:
Thank you Ben. Your podcasts are so educational, not hyped like so much that passes for news. I guess or intuit that what is happening now in the USA seems to happen every 100 years ago in a cycle that seems to repeat. Is this an off the wall idea?
Beautifully said,
Thank you Ben Norton for so succintly outlining the basic stupidity of American foreign policy under Trump. Though I feel it is not just Trump but the US Congress and the American public whoe have been brain washed for decades.
This isn’t Trump’s foreign policy, as much as it’s the empires foreign policy. Foreign policy changes very little from presidential regime, to presidential regime. Congress is 100% aware of what’s going on! Foreign policy lines their pockets too.