Radhika this really is a masterpiece, huge respect.

I was living in Germany when the wall came down and the Nato block/Warsaw pact negotiations took place. We lived and breathed those negotiations.

Many of us were appalled at the poor wording of the agreement.

Nato agreed to not move 1 inch East and they have breached that agreement continuously ever since.

Installing a puppet, neo-nazi government on Russia's border reopens the mortal wound of 27 million Russians who died at the hands of fascism.

A Rubicon has been crossed and Nato has opened the doors of hell. Lay the blame at the feet of the aggressors NATO, not at the predictable response of a proud nation that will never forget nor forgive the slaughter of 27 + million of their people.

I predict that the Ukrainian army will soon begin to desert with the exceptions of the Azov battalion, Right Sektor and Svoboda Nazis.

Russians don't like killing fellow Russian speakers.

The Russian army will consign those three fascist organisations to the dust bin of history and then return home.

This isn't an imperialist conquest it's a "Denazification" of Ukraine.

All or most of the Russian troops will be home in a few months and Ukraine will be purged of the fascists. Russia is much more prepared for this conflict than the CIA and MI6 stenographers in the corporate media would have us believe. I see a parallel between the amazing Syrian Arab Army and Russia's cleansing operation. Not shock and awe, the minimum 'collateral damage' as possible meaning both take bigger losses because of their prudence. True patriots imho.

The pathology of the military industrial complex has crossed a Rubicon.

Russia lost 27 million people in the last fascist invasion. There is no way they will tolerate them on her border and rightly so.

"Every human being that loves freedom owes to the Red Army more than he will be able to repay in a life time", Ernest Hemingway.

Check out Muammar Gadhafi's 2008 analysis

Muammar al Gaddhafi - "Ukraine is a real problem"

Muammar al Gaddhafi, November 2008 The greatest Pan-African to ever draw breath.


By every possible means, I try to contribute to the creation of a free and secure world; so that the world's peoples can enjoy freedom and security, my people among them, and from this starting point and principle I state my opinion on serious international issues and problems whenever I can, hoping that this will have a positive impact on international politics.

In this article I refer to Ukraine, which I consider to be a real problem.

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Very clear statement of certain facts uncomfortable to the US ruling class. Imo the commitment to a unipolar “global” dominance led by the US won’t end until it becomes impossible. Means more carnage ahead, unfortunately for the American people. You can already see the blowback coming. Will the American public wake up to what their leaders have really been doing around the world all these years, or will future generations have to pick through the wreckage of a once great country to find out what the hell happened?

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Does the American public have any problems with mental abilities ? Are they all mentally retarded ? I doubt it very much. The attitude american public to the endless american wars is who they really are. I remember the video of the speech of Chris Hedges at Rockford University in Illinois where he condemned the invasion of Iraq as an illegal and criminal war. The college students went ballistic. Twice students tried to storm him on the stage and twice security guards fought them back. Finally, the college officials had enough and stopped his address as security guards hauled him off the stage and put him on a bus back to New York City. Americans are neurotics who see enemies everywhere that need to be destroyed

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