Wao. This is one hell of an important story. Yet, none of the MSM are mentioning it.

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As usual

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This is reminiscent of so many other so called "terrorist" attacks in Europe during that "War On Terror" era, in France, Norway, the UK and other places. All "terrorists" apparently working for the State intelligence apparatus or known to them; all conveniently killed so no questions can be asked; none even conclusively linked to the actual site of the terror event; all leaving passports or other identity papers in cars to be conveniently "discovered;" and many taking place immediately after or during official State sponsored "terror simulation drills" mimicking the VERY SAME TYPE of attack that then happened; and all serving the same old "Gladio" modus operandi of turning the population toward the warm authoritarian embrace of the State while willingly surrendering civil liberties in the name of "security."

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Gladio never ended.

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Extremely important news, showing that governments and politicians use ISIS to change elections. Yet, no one else covering this story. The MSM is useless.

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Great coverage! How do u think that CNI relates to NATO counter-terrorism intelligence approach over the whole of E.U? Do u think that the same sort of planing could be linked to other attacks like the stabbing rampage "terrorism attacks" which doesn't seem to have a religious base but in most of the cases a social and ideological one?

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The point is that the DNI plot worked. Many people died, and Catalonia voted against independence.

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