Economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson introduce their show Geopolitical Economy Hour discussing the rise of the multipolar world and decline of US hegemony.
Excellent exchange of ideas. These ongoing reports will shed light on little known and understood realities of the big picture of the current financial world and its tug of wars. Looking forward to the next and ongoing posts.
Thank you for such a strong informative start to your series. I hope you will at some point address the notion of "alternate modernities" that is circulating in the arena of geopolitical discussion. It could use clarification. And thank you for reference my piece on blowback to sanctions.
Just discovered, Trade Justice Education Fund. New non-profit for sustainable economy against Neoliberalism and Racist Nationalism. Any info on their work or collaborations?
Excellent exchange of ideas. These ongoing reports will shed light on little known and understood realities of the big picture of the current financial world and its tug of wars. Looking forward to the next and ongoing posts.
Thank you for such a strong informative start to your series. I hope you will at some point address the notion of "alternate modernities" that is circulating in the arena of geopolitical discussion. It could use clarification. And thank you for reference my piece on blowback to sanctions.
-Renate Bridenthal
Just discovered, Trade Justice Education Fund. New non-profit for sustainable economy against Neoliberalism and Racist Nationalism. Any info on their work or collaborations?