Anyone have a link (or title even) for the Karaganov article?

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The dream, since McKinder, is the intermarian.

By George Friedman

"The Intermarium is a concept – really, an eventuality – that I have spoken about for nearly a decade. I predicted it would rise after Russia inevitably re-emerged as a major regional power. Which makes sense, considering it would comprise the former Soviet satellites of Eastern Europe: the Baltic states, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and possibly Bulgaria. Its purpose would be to contain any potential Russian move to the west. The United States would support it. The rest of Europe would agonize over it. What was once inevitable may soon be here."




The resurrection of the intermarian

"Recruiting Nazis Covert Action Quarterly

After the Russian Revolution, the West backed first a military invasion and then the White armies against the new Soviet state.  When these efforts failed, the West then backed Polish leader Joseph Pilsudsky and Ukrainian nationalist Simon Petlyura’s Russo-Polish war based on the dual concepts of Intermarium and the Prometheus project.

Once again, now led by the U.S., rightwing anti-Russia forces are looking to Poland and its ultra-anti-Russian allies to lead an increasingly aggressive front against Russia.  

The U.S. has been pouring weapons into Eastern Europe, backed up by an aggressive program of military training and military exercises. An aggressive system of bilateral military agreements between the U.S. and its East European allies threaten to pull Western Europe into a multilateral conflict with Russia via Article 5 of the NATO charter.

The authors trace these historical developments as a resurrection of the Intermarium—a geopolitical concept that envisaged an alliance of countries reaching from the Baltic Sea over the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea that would serve as a alternative power bloc between Germany and Russia."

Marlene Laruelle, Ph.D., is an Associate Director and Research Professor at the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs. Ellen Rivera is an independent researcher specialized in the post-war German far-right, with a particular focus on post-war anti-communist organizations. – Editors]


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I think the Western leaders are bonkers but they're not afraid of nukes in the same way that they weren't afraid of a 'covid' virus because they know it's all scare-mongering propaganda for vaccine prophylaxis and upgraded deterrents to make money for billionaires controlling said political puppets.

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Are you saying that COVID wasn’t a thing?

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Yes that's what I"m saying. It was a pandemic of meaningless PCR testing and people noticing and experiencing expected symptoms (a well known phenomena).

I go into it in depth here https://jowaller.substack.com/p/there-is-no-covid

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In sorry, but denying a pandemic which killed millions of people is both disgusting and utterly stupid.

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So you swallow, like a good little boy, what you're told by pharma, MSM and share-holding politicians that Drosten's PCR identifies the presence of a pathogenic, deadly entity even though there is zero evidence in the literature for this? And that millions who died with a positive PCR died from this putative entity and not from forced ventilation, midazolam, remdisivir, stress, loneliness, obesity, living hand to mouth during lockdown or would have died soon anyway, even though there is no evidence for this either?

And I'm supposed to be the stupid one.

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You’re a conspiracy theorist who thinks that all the deaths were from vaccines and not COVID itself. I don’t deal with reality deniers.

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Trying to smear me with 'conspiracy theorist' and denier of reality (as you see it) is a bit like the Zionists who smear people like Norman Finkelstein, who point out the reality of Israel (as he sees it), as antisemitic holocaust deniers in order to dismiss out of hand what they have to say. That kind of behaviour works well for the established dogma and benefits industry and those in power.

Don't tell me that I think all the deaths were from the vaccines (that hadn't yet been introduced) when I clearly just listed all the things that I thought the 'excess deaths' were caused by (please note excess death is not the same as the age and population adjusted death rate which in the UK was the same in 2020 as in 2008).

If you don't wish to engage in debate or to discuss the science; then just keep quiet.

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You didn't read the post did you? Don't tell me I'm disgusting and stupid until you have.

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I’m not saying you’re disgusting, but the action of denying something that obviously happened.

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