Reading the article as a citizen of a small Central European country Hungary and seeing the different approaches between the BRICS countries and the USA, where one respects (regardless of size) the existence and will of small countries and does not want to impose foreign expectations on them. While the other, with the dogma of USA First, promises them only vassal status and constant alignment with the "Master", and the bones gnawed by the lord from the "Master" table, like the Lord's favorite dogs once. There is no doubt which one I would prefer. In this world, we can only have one fate, endless dependence and one goal, that our nation's resources must be ready to ensure the excellence of the One Country. Let's say we can replace this with the Brussels Kingdom of Thieves, only they are even more stupid than that! Well, I think for a sane person who loves his nation and its freedom and prosperity, there is no doubt that only BRICS membership is a way out of eternal slavery and dependency, and if we can choose whether we have to search under the "Master's" table for fallen alms or if we can sit at the table as equals, then what will we choose at the first possible opportunity!

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Humanity has a problem. The american capitalist and conservative childish mentality that views "greatness" as DOMINATION, power over, subjugation, and the dog-eat-dog mentality of 'it's either US or THEM'; “dominate or be dominated”, “kill before they kill you”…

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It is difficult to fathom the level of propaganda it has taken over the years to get us to this point in time. Follow the mainstream outlets and it is impossible to come to conclusions that include: we are tumbling into Anthropogenic climate disaster; there is an ongoing campaign of murder and genocide largely funded and promoted by both US political parties and American taxpayer dollars; trillions of dollars have been pushed through the hopper that promotes, weapons sales and human suffering; and lately that any country who wishes themselves out from under the yoke of US economic bullying and dominance is an enemy to be challenged. Personally, I believe that we are past the point of no return, and the looming disaster that is climate change will relevel the field. Coming soon to a city and coastline near you.

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Hi Ed, yes the climate crisis has disappeared from MSM and most alt media too. Ben mentions it in passing saying about the importance of shipping routes once the Artic ice melts, being exacerbated by Trump's drill baby drill (though perhaps animal agriculture is an even bigger culprit as it takes so much land and prevents forests from sequestering co2). Team Trump clearly knows all about climate change though they ran on a platform making the UN out to be 'globalists' faking climate change to control us and scupper industry.

I think the stirring of immigration fears, which is swinging much of the West towards the far right- to align with MAGAt- is in preparation for the mass migrations due to agricultural failures, enabling migrants to the luckier latitudes to simply be shot at the borders.

It's not just climate change of course, it's biodiversity loss, pollution and dead oceans (again we point at animal ag).

I think billions of humans dying is unavoidable at this stage, mostly the poor and the Global South, though rich and the West have been mostly responsible for it.

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Marc Rubio is following the Dictator… well that makes him a Fascist

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Hi Ben, thank goodness for some sanity. MAGAts have lost their sanity over Ukraine.

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"Beijing sees multipolarity as a desirable step toward international cooperation and development that will encourage peace..."

I vote for international cooperation and development that encourages peace. Of course, this won't be the Trump's administration's take on things. I hope the BRICS countries and other can stand strong and resist this modern-day Monroe Doctrine attitude of the US.

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