He should be tried for incitement to genocide. Imagine if a US senator proposed to drop nuclear bombs on Israel? Why is it ok in the US to incite to genocide- a lawless rogue state like israel

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"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." — Proverbs 11:2

Graham personifies everything that is wrong with the very sick Republican party.

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Lindsey is just spewing the Zionist shit the he’s eating on a perpetual basis. This is the result of massive Zionist wealth twisting the arms of humanity & no one can do anything to fight it. Power is the only absolute. Everything else is secondary. If the Palestinians were powerful, no one would have dared to even lift a finger. They are powerless & helpless & so Israel is murdering them freely & the rest of the world powers are quietly watching & supporting the crimes, in return for the putrid, vile Zionist wealth.

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I detest Linsey Graham and think he is a crazed war monger. However I don’t think this is exactly what he meant. Rather I think he knows, like the rest of us, that nuking Gaza would also put Israelis in danger due to proximity, and what he meant was that as the US was willing to cause mass civilian casualties in Japan to end WW2 quickly, so the US should not hesitate to give as many 2,000 pound bombs to Israel to end that war quickly even it means mass Palestinian civilian casualties. In any case it is still a morally corrupt stance, supports the Israeli genocide of Palestinians, and should be thoroughly condemned.

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Something to consider is that Israel is secretly planning to relocate to Ukraine. This location serves two purposes. It's far away from the radiation fall out descended on Gaza, as well as they will be able to carry out their globalist agenda of monopolizing China's Belt and Road Iniative. There's an ancient map that Israel considers it their map of the future. It's a 3 leaf clover with Ukraine in the middle. America doesn't exist on this map. I'm going to see if I can find it for you.

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Graham is where you end up when consistently promoting the most idiotic, bloodthirsty and involuntarily hilarious members of society. Most of these can be found in US Congress and other 'leadership' positions in Western societies. Which is why the West is in dramatic decline. Graham is hilariously panicky in this interview. Highly entertaining stuff.

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The fact that mass murder, genocide and nuclear war promoters are allowed in (and can easily reach the highest echelons of) the US government tells you all you need to know about Amurrica. Murderous criminals out! Revolution now!

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Even in the darkest of times, with patience and determination, a better future will come.

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Don't be so hard on old Lindsay. He can't help it They used his brain to test whether or not microwaves can fry brains back in the day, and they CAN! They poached Graham's brain just enough to make him the perfect Senator from MIC.

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Send him to Palestine now.

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Yes, his case seems outdated, beyond any possible cure…. I only see…euthanasia…

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Sounds about right and just in time for Israel to flee to Ukraine, their new home. Where they will control the Belt and Road Iniative. You know, China's baby?

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Wow!! Thanks so much for that article. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Thank you for that. I will check it out.

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Interesting insights in this articlehttps://avigail.substack.com/p/spilling-the-dirty-laundry-on-israel?utm_source=substack&publication_id=749647&post_id=144495517&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=p6ks2&triedRedirect=true

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deletedMay 14
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Lindsey Graham is a disgraceful scumbag!! And the epitome of an American Politician who has been blackmailed with pedophilia and willing to sell out his country so long as his crimes remain secret.

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