Argentina's libertarian President Javier Milei is promoting crypto scams and overseeing rapid deindustrialization. Manufacturing and construction are collapsing. The majority are living in poverty.
That's an excellent expose'. The Anglo-Zionist Empire is run by the USA to do to others as we've done to Ukraine and Europe. Argentina is an example of a vassal. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and others resist.
A really important point Ben, perhaps you could address in the next video. Argentina's export is not just 'food' or 'agriculture'. A huge part of it is dead animals.
'Beef exports from Argentina generated $2.122 billion from January through September 2024, the highest revenue in 57 years.
Sales totalled 699,987 tons, with the United States experiencing a 46% increase in beef imports from Argentina. There were also significant increases in shipments to Chile, Israel, the EU, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, Canada and Malaysia.
'Grass-fed' has been greenwashed as somehow sustainable when it's the opposite. It also requires acres to be deforested, so that tons of co2 sequestration and millions of species are lost.
Using land to export a lucrative, land hungry product to the US also means that this land is not available to Argentinians to grown their own food direct from the land, making them reliant on the rich US cartels.
Milei is copying the 'slave laws' passed under Orban in 2018. Working on Saturdays, working full time and accepting less wages. Orban passed it into law for the automakers from Germany and now Milei is copying the script.
So was it egregious for JFK to appoint RFK to be his Attorney General?
The people of Argentina have elected a long line of Presidents that have presided over a long decline for the country. The latest is a large departure from Peronism and failed socialists who have presided over ruinous inflation and multiple devaluations (and violence at times).
Hopefully Argentina is governable in a way to help all of its people progress, without foreign election interference. Hopefully they keep trying until they get governance that make the majority happier and more prosperous.
USA is the Evil state since more than 100 years and what we are seeing now is the expose in full light of their crimes as they now control completely the Media, Socials and Propaganda machine.
As Putin said in the famous Tucker interview when asked about : "It would take years and a lot of money, to try to compete with USA Propaganda machine, not worthy"
Privatization is fascism and globalism is imperialism
Privatization thus replaces public, government-owned, assets, by privately owned assets, and so it transfers control from publicly elected (government) leaders (who are answerable to everyone at ballot-boxes), to private ones — to private stockholders who decide how those assets will be used — regardless of whether the asset happens to be schools, or hospitals, or land, or natural resources, or roads, or whatever.
Anything can be privatized. Anything can be run by an elite, by an ‘owner.’ Fascism tries to maximize that: private ownership of what was formerly public property.
Turning Latin America into an extractionist region, the US will guarantee more 'raw' earth soils for the US, unless of course Argentinians organize.
History of privatizations
Privatization goes way back: the first group of privatizations occurred in the first fascist nation, Italy, in the 1920s; and the second group of privatizations occurred in the second fascist nation, Germany, in the 1930s. Privatizations started under Mussolini, and then were instituted under Hitler.
Privatizations, after starting in fascisms during the pre-WWII years, resumed again in the 1970s under the fascist Chilean leader Augusto Pinochet; and in the 1980s under the fascist British leader Margaret Thatcher (a passionate supporter of apartheid in South Africa) and also under the smiling fascist American leader Ronald Reagan (who followed the prior success of Richard Nixon’s «Southern Strategy» of White domination in the by-then resurgent-conservative U.S., and might even be said to have been America’s first fully fascist President); and in the 1990s under several fascist (formerly communist) leaders throughout the former Soviet Union, under the guidance of Harvard University’s fascist economics department, which transferred control from the former nomenklatura, to the new (Western-dependent) «oligarchs»
Milei is Pinochet and Americans should be very interested in the economics of Argentina or Latin America for Pinochet politics is coming to the US fast. Same game, different geography.
The IMF and World Bank are sub-prime loan lenders to the global south. Like the sub-prime housing market in the US, where the banks knew people could not pay their loans, the IMF and World Bank saddle countries in debt for profit -rent - that they know cannot be paid back. Economic imperialism.
Ecuador just took on another billion dollars or so.
It's people cannot live without 'plastic' from the banks.
The plan is to sack the global south through fascist politicians and a demented oligarchy, using the IMF and World Bank, cut every thing public until it does not function due to neglect, make sure the public sector is non functionable, get rid of any government employee that is not needed in the sacking (selling public entities for profit, like electricity or water) , and send the proceeds to off island banks. Naked imperialism for sure, smash and grab capitalism.
But Milei said he would do all of this and the people voted for him.
Same with Trump. He says what he will do and people dispossessed vote for him.
This is due to the lack of a meaningful socialist movement not to mention the extra judicial murders and coups by the US.
Debt is 'capital' to the ruling class.
Debt is called 'credit' to the poor client who elicits it at the bank.
Any claims that Ben made you would like clarification on? Questions? What is 'hyperbolic horseshit'? Can you define it as to Ben? Ad hominems are great for uncritical thinkers but what claims do you disagree with and why?
Yes, Alpha he is very aware what he is doing, his dog's advice or not. He is carrying the water for naked US imperialism and turning Argentina into an export food country. De-industrialization in hopes the companies will go to the US.
That and the lithium. These people, like Milei, appear nuts to many people with common sense, not so common anymore, but this is part of the theatre that they have to do in order to carry out the IMF World Bank contract made behind closed doors that impoverish the country. Argentina is like a pawn shop now. But again, the people voted for him which gives new light for the overwhelming illumination to the Trump victory, Le Penn, Melone, Orban and on and on. Desperation and no socialist alternative. so people, as Franz Fanon so well wrote about Algeria in The Wretched of the Earth, become their own oppressors embracing their own oppression.
That's an excellent expose'. The Anglo-Zionist Empire is run by the USA to do to others as we've done to Ukraine and Europe. Argentina is an example of a vassal. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and others resist.
A really important point Ben, perhaps you could address in the next video. Argentina's export is not just 'food' or 'agriculture'. A huge part of it is dead animals.
'Beef exports from Argentina generated $2.122 billion from January through September 2024, the highest revenue in 57 years.
Sales totalled 699,987 tons, with the United States experiencing a 46% increase in beef imports from Argentina. There were also significant increases in shipments to Chile, Israel, the EU, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, Canada and Malaysia.
Chilled beef accounted for 16% of exports, while the remainder was frozen. Argentina slaughtered 10.22 million cattle and produced more than 2.33 million tons of meat, 30% of which was consumed domestically.
'Grass-fed' has been greenwashed as somehow sustainable when it's the opposite. It also requires acres to be deforested, so that tons of co2 sequestration and millions of species are lost.
Using land to export a lucrative, land hungry product to the US also means that this land is not available to Argentinians to grown their own food direct from the land, making them reliant on the rich US cartels.
It is a form of bourgeoise land reform. The indigenous, as always, suffer.
Milei is copying the 'slave laws' passed under Orban in 2018. Working on Saturdays, working full time and accepting less wages. Orban passed it into law for the automakers from Germany and now Milei is copying the script.
But at least Argentina has protected its gold reserves. Oh, wait-
Thanks for the large amount of data!
A small question:
So was it egregious for JFK to appoint RFK to be his Attorney General?
The people of Argentina have elected a long line of Presidents that have presided over a long decline for the country. The latest is a large departure from Peronism and failed socialists who have presided over ruinous inflation and multiple devaluations (and violence at times).
Hopefully Argentina is governable in a way to help all of its people progress, without foreign election interference. Hopefully they keep trying until they get governance that make the majority happier and more prosperous.
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
Maurice Strong, Opening Speech to UN Rio Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro, 1992, accessed in
No news, bad news.
USA is the Evil state since more than 100 years and what we are seeing now is the expose in full light of their crimes as they now control completely the Media, Socials and Propaganda machine.
As Putin said in the famous Tucker interview when asked about : "It would take years and a lot of money, to try to compete with USA Propaganda machine, not worthy"
Privatization is fascism and globalism is imperialism
Privatization thus replaces public, government-owned, assets, by privately owned assets, and so it transfers control from publicly elected (government) leaders (who are answerable to everyone at ballot-boxes), to private ones — to private stockholders who decide how those assets will be used — regardless of whether the asset happens to be schools, or hospitals, or land, or natural resources, or roads, or whatever.
Anything can be privatized. Anything can be run by an elite, by an ‘owner.’ Fascism tries to maximize that: private ownership of what was formerly public property.
Turning Latin America into an extractionist region, the US will guarantee more 'raw' earth soils for the US, unless of course Argentinians organize.
History of privatizations
Privatization goes way back: the first group of privatizations occurred in the first fascist nation, Italy, in the 1920s; and the second group of privatizations occurred in the second fascist nation, Germany, in the 1930s. Privatizations started under Mussolini, and then were instituted under Hitler.
Privatizations, after starting in fascisms during the pre-WWII years, resumed again in the 1970s under the fascist Chilean leader Augusto Pinochet; and in the 1980s under the fascist British leader Margaret Thatcher (a passionate supporter of apartheid in South Africa) and also under the smiling fascist American leader Ronald Reagan (who followed the prior success of Richard Nixon’s «Southern Strategy» of White domination in the by-then resurgent-conservative U.S., and might even be said to have been America’s first fully fascist President); and in the 1990s under several fascist (formerly communist) leaders throughout the former Soviet Union, under the guidance of Harvard University’s fascist economics department, which transferred control from the former nomenklatura, to the new (Western-dependent) «oligarchs»
Milei is Pinochet and Americans should be very interested in the economics of Argentina or Latin America for Pinochet politics is coming to the US fast. Same game, different geography.
The IMF and World Bank are sub-prime loan lenders to the global south. Like the sub-prime housing market in the US, where the banks knew people could not pay their loans, the IMF and World Bank saddle countries in debt for profit -rent - that they know cannot be paid back. Economic imperialism.
Ecuador just took on another billion dollars or so.
It's people cannot live without 'plastic' from the banks.
The plan is to sack the global south through fascist politicians and a demented oligarchy, using the IMF and World Bank, cut every thing public until it does not function due to neglect, make sure the public sector is non functionable, get rid of any government employee that is not needed in the sacking (selling public entities for profit, like electricity or water) , and send the proceeds to off island banks. Naked imperialism for sure, smash and grab capitalism.
But Milei said he would do all of this and the people voted for him.
Same with Trump. He says what he will do and people dispossessed vote for him.
This is due to the lack of a meaningful socialist movement not to mention the extra judicial murders and coups by the US.
Debt is 'capital' to the ruling class.
Debt is called 'credit' to the poor client who elicits it at the bank.
Alchemy or capitalism?
Omg… what a bunch of hyperbolic horse shit. Never heard of you before Ben, but you’re clearly a far left bomb thrower.
Any claims that Ben made you would like clarification on? Questions? What is 'hyperbolic horseshit'? Can you define it as to Ben? Ad hominems are great for uncritical thinkers but what claims do you disagree with and why?
He knows what he’s doing. I did some research, “hyperbolic horseshit” is a concept he’s seems to have built his writing career on.
Yes, Alpha he is very aware what he is doing, his dog's advice or not. He is carrying the water for naked US imperialism and turning Argentina into an export food country. De-industrialization in hopes the companies will go to the US.
That and the lithium. These people, like Milei, appear nuts to many people with common sense, not so common anymore, but this is part of the theatre that they have to do in order to carry out the IMF World Bank contract made behind closed doors that impoverish the country. Argentina is like a pawn shop now. But again, the people voted for him which gives new light for the overwhelming illumination to the Trump victory, Le Penn, Melone, Orban and on and on. Desperation and no socialist alternative. so people, as Franz Fanon so well wrote about Algeria in The Wretched of the Earth, become their own oppressors embracing their own oppression.