Thank you for connecting the knots of history - it is so important to understand the present situation. I would like to recommend a book that describes and explains the concept of colonialism and imperialism in great detail and with excellent documentation of the historical events and lasting effects in Ireland, India, South Africa, Jamaica, Palestine, Kenya, etc. "The Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire" by Caroline Elkins (2022)

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I recommend "Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic" by Ilan Pappe, "Disappearing Palestine" by Jonathan Cook, and "The Hundred Years' War on Palestine" by Rashid Khalidi. For a start.

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Excellent! Thanks for filling in lots of blanks in my knowledge and showing connections.

I know of a number of analysts whose output would profit from reading your essay.

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Well said, especially this:

"The Nazis wanted to colonize Eastern Europe to have "Lebensraum" (living space), and tried to kill and ethnically cleanse the region's inhabitants to steal their land; just like Zionists want to colonize historic Palestine and other parts of West Asia to expand the “living space” of their own supremacist ethnostate, by killing and ethnically cleansing the indigenous inhabitants to steal their land."

"Zionism is colonialism, which is why it is no surprise at all that the Western imperial powers continue to back Israel so strongly. They do not need an Israel lobby to convince them to support colonialism; this is what imperial powers do."

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These kinds essays must spill out into msm. We need to educate the general population.

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I spend most of my time sharing this type of historical information as widely as I can. I regard it as my duty.

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Terrific clear view of the history of Zionism.

To shine the sun through this fog of War is precious.

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You should read Ilan Pappe and other authors who write about this history. The information is out there. Seek it.

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great article!

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The BRICS+ meeting in Kazan and the coming US Elections, both within 3 weeks, will change the Geopolitical narrative dramatically.

This well-written and informative piece is helpful in understanding why the actions in Kazan and DC will be taken.

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Many U.S. observers adhere to John Mearsheimer's analysis that AIPAC controls the U.S. empire in West Asia. This is a misunderstanding not only of the relationship between Israel and the U.S., but also of the structure of the U.S. imperial state.

Aaron Goode laid out the organization of the tripartite U.S. state -- security state, political (visible, elected, the part that is owned by AIPAC) state, and the overworld, which consists of Wall Street, big finance, and giant, especially transnational, corporations) in his book "American Exception".

Given this structure, is it not hard to understand that the U.S. security state does not require AIPAC to register under FARA because Israel owning the U.S. political state furthers the interests of the U.S., security state and the U.S.-centered imperial overworld.

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Netanjahu hatte in den 1970er Jahren gesagt: „Wenn wir es richtig machen, haben wir im nächsten Krieg die Chance, alle Araber zu vertreiben …Wir können das Westjordanland übernehmen. Wir können die Westbank räumen und Jerusalem säubern“.

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Am Israel Chai

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Just wondering, in your ‘genocidal league table’, where does a country that proposes the entire genocide of Israel sit? Above or below Israel?

And maybe while we’re on the subject of non-tolerance of other religions, where would a caliphatic !state’ sit in your league?

Btw. I’m not speaking as a Jew, or a Muslim. Obviously.

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"Israel" is a genocidal state. And all other countries are OBLIGED to take up arms to stop it.

Not my judgement. The ICJ's judgment said that.

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Can you answer my original question?

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"Israel" is COMMITTING genocide, it's not under threat of it.

Jews in Europe in 1944 were under threat of genocide...by Olav Schøltz and Bærbock's grandfathers.

But now it's not 1944. And the situation is now not about jews in WW II era Germany. Rather the situation is about the current day terrorist colonial state of "Israel" in the Middle East.

Its 2024 now, and the colonial terrorist regime of "Israel" has ben declared by the ICJ to be illegally occupying the palestinians, perpetrating apartheid and committing genocide, and the same ICJ says that every country in the world that subscribes to the Geneva Convention, has an OBLIGATION to help the Palestinians stop the terrorist Israeli regime from doing those three things, as they are crimes against humanity.


"...279. Moreover, the Court considers that, in view of the character and importance of the rights and obligations involved, all States are under an obligation not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. They are also under an obligation not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by Israel’s illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. It is for all States, while respecting the Charter of the United Nations and international law, to ensure that any impediment resulting from the illegal presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory to the exercise of the Palestinian people of its right to self-determination is brought to an end. In addition, all the States parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention have the obligation, while respecting the Charter of the United Nations and international law, to ensure compliance by Israel with international humanitarian law as embodied in that Convention...."

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1. Before commenting, FIRST READ THE ARTICLE. (The article is excellent, you won't regret it.)

2. Which country is proposing "the entire genocide of Israel"? (Where did you get this information? I cannot find it anywhere, let alone in this article...)

3. As for religious tolerance, listen to this interview with Myriam Charabaty, who is Lebanese Christian: https://beeley.substack.com/p/supporting-the-resistance-is-a-duty, and you'll get the answer. (In short, different religions CAN AND DO coexist peacefully, West Asia is the best example of that.)

4. Have you ever heard who created and financed Muslim Brotherhood, Al Kaida, ISIS, and other radical terrorist groups all over Muslim world? (Hint: It was not Muslims or Arabs or Iranians. If you are curious, you can, for example, check this interview with the founder of Jihadist movement in Egypt and a former top Al-Qaeda commander Sheikh Nabeel Naiem - he tells openly where his organization got the money from: https://syrianews.cc/isis-the-bombshell-interview-to-impeach-obama/)

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OK, thanks.

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Here a more in depth unconventional analysis of the situation.


By the way, including the Egyptians and foreigner living there there, the number was close to 3 million people in Gaza till October the seventh 2023.

Ho and israel, has already sunken in the blood which is has spilled.

Thx for sharing

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Oct 15
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The article screams Holocaust denialism

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No rational person should deny the Nazi Holocaust. No rational person can deny the Zionist Holocaust. Period.

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Oct 15
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Here is your answer: Get a long tube and connect it to the exhaust of your car, leave car window open to get the tube from exhaust into your car. Then sit in the car and start it. Hint: Although car window is opened, you will finally die of gas poisoning, so you better don't try it.

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Oct 16
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Written by a person who runs out of arguments.

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Oct 16
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Opened car window shows the answer referred to the question how Nazis isolated gas chambers. (As you can see in my reply to your post, Nazis used Zyklon-B in gas chambers.) But to be clear, you don't only have problems with your logical thinking, you have been obviously a victim of being brought up into a person with lack of compassion (British boarding school or Israeli education system?) Only heartless person with severe cognitive issues uses comment section of such a relevant article on history of Zionism for promotion of his own writing which has nothing to do with the topic of this article. It's PATHETIC! You can write and troll as much as you want, you'll never be popular like Ben Norton - his articles and videos are relevant, because he is publishing to do the right thing. Your writing is empty, because you are writing to get attention (either ego or being on someone's payroll). People can see the difference.

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Oct 15
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The main flaw of your logic: You cannot explain how you get dead bodies of people who come, get separated from others and go to "bathrooms" - and they didn't get out of those "bathrooms" alive. Second flaw, you skipped the reason for typhus outbreaks - malnutrition. Malnutrition happened to those who were separated to the second row which was sent to live in baracks (i.e. Nazis found them strong enough for forced work).

THEY BOTH DIED!!! AND THE NUMBERS WERE MASSIVE!!! And you are trying to prove that people weren't killed by Zyklon-B in death camps??? What purpose did Zyklon-B serve then??? We know who was producing it (IG Farben, a company which was later rebranded as Bayer), and we know where its tin cans were found (in death camps with furnaces - in Auschwitz, Nazis tried to hide the furnaces by destroying them, but one was left when Soviets liberated Auschwitz!), and we know how the "work" of burning corpses was organized (prisoners who worked on this "post" got better rations, in the end the group was eliminated too, and the next group was sent to this post, etc.)! And there are plenty testimonies how people were going to "bathrooms" from which no one got out alive! READ AND YOU WILL FIND PROOF! There is plenty of documentation! With photos and also documents, because Nazis meticulously recorded everything they did. Not everything was burnt at the end of war.

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