They already have! China is busy divesting of all Western tech in its devices.

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I think Netanyahu is evil.

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He is, but Zionism itself is an evil doctrine. No different than Hitler's Nazi party in that they declare themselves a master race with the right to murder everyone else.

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Yes just like sanctions on Russian and Chinese tech has blown back on US industry and the banning of Russian scientists at CERN means no one will collaborate on big projects anymore incase they too get the chop; the pager attacks will harm US tech.

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Don't they ever learn?

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The omniwar dangers of "smartphones" and computers could be worse than getting your head blown off?


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Just watched your podcast and I like to add something which should interest you and your readers.

Even if your device is turned off, and the external or main battery is empty or disconnected, the microphone can always be turned on.

For that, all mobile phones manufacturers were obliged “already before GSM was released” to built in a secondary battery or so called “clock battery”, which remains hidden in the device.

They later forced the mobile manufacturers to built new devices with their battery built in, “which can run out of juice” but the secondary battery which uses low voltage for the inner clock and mic remains virtually always charged.

Also, after the scamdemic and the forced use of so called “track and trace”, telephones do not need to be directly connected to the internet, as they are communicating by the Bluetooth protocols which in SMART “Self monitor Analyze and Report Technology” can no longer be turned off. “You can deactivate commercial Bluetooth applications, but it remains active for track and trace even after you have switch it off.

Bluetooth devices comunicate their presence as send data packages to each other, till they find an internet connection to send the data to the network provider or to the leach.

But this nothing new, as this technology is actually 30 years old and government have been using it for spying on people ever since.

Same stuff with drones, so called captured drones are spying devices using both Bluetooth for mining data.

According to some reports, while the beepers had hardware wired in the device, the walkie talkie had specially rigged “new” batteries.

Anyhow as many have demonstrated, all lithium batteries can be made explode.

Guess next, they stop allowing people to carry their mobile phones and computers on airplanes.

And all thanks to the number one terrorist in the world “israel”.

Thx for sharing


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And these are the same idiots who want to rule the world. Could it be China and Russia by their stalwart forbearance have become our de facto leaders?

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Goons is what they are. Nothing more. Just mindless goons.

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If they are goons, they surly have a very bizarre taste in porn.

Nope. I believe it's probably a diversion from the democide.




When the Israelis wake up the perpetrators will surely hang or be tortured slowly for a very long time, just like many of their victims were.

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