When I lived in France in the mid-1980's I met one of the founding members of 'Action Direct' when he got out of jail on the death of Mitterrand or Chirac, he received a pardon as a political prisoner.

This dude told me he was one of the founding 6 members of AD and one if them was already a DGSE agent from the very beginning.

They were allowed to whack a few industrialists and bankers so that the state could impose draconian anti-terror laws.

The DGSE is the organisation that sent French spies to Aotearoa NZ to bomb the Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior killing our comrade Fernando Pereira.

Supposedly France was one of our allies.

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Perhaps this helps explain why whenever I see our self described "black block" "anarchists" disrupting and undermining otherwise peaceful protests I immediately reflexively think: "FBI & agent provocateurs."

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No, actually, that's just because you are an ignoramus that doesn't leave the house and gets all your information from Russian propaganda sites like this one.

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You're both ridiculous, congratulations.

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This is interesting evidence, but unfortunately not very surprising.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

Today, this started happening.

Every time I click on some Substack links now, including Multipolarista, I get the following message:

"Visiting this website might not be safe."

"Outlook has blocked the link https://open.substack.com/ . . . . This website might harm your computer or cause your personal information to be stolen. We recommend that you do not continue."

This is also happening on JFK Facts substack, another site which reports stories not allowed in the mainstream media. It's not happening on "Friends in DC" which, while left-leaning, reports on American political races and progressive politicians.

Is the CIA/NSA effing with non-mainstream Substack writers now, trying to keep people from reading their content?

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

The FBI used the label "anarchism" not anarchism. As William Bowles notes below, the FBI infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party. The FBI also created documents, letters, which they sent to members of the Black Panther Party which created internal discord. Agent provocateurs isn't new. Blaming anarchists for the FBI exploiting the label anarchism isn't warranted.

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I remember asking a wise friend once who he thought the mole was in an ostensibly anarchist organized group and he said probably the spokesperson. Old tactic. Dig up some dirt and pull the strings. No surprise the "left" and I eventually veered apart its a recurring theme, with who I now assume to be principled & nuanced thinkers. I made a real effort to stay open minded and that's a major sin against the church of being a good comrade. I remember the anarchist mini documentary producer Submedia posting a video of "anarchists" fighting against the Venezuelan government in 2011, and thinking that this really supports the US imperial agenda because it fit with the MO of our deep state but the credibility of the messenger up till that point outweighed my interest in patterns in any persuasive argumentation. The way identity politics was handled uniformly across the board reveals many behind the scenes influencers and thought leaders subverting the subversives, until the association of social jusice became unhinged screaming and violence at people you disagree with. Foia has long already confirmed what history on the subject tells us: the greatest fear of the ruling class from 175 years ago to today was and is class solidarity. Seems consistent that their objectives have largely been fulfilled (for now) over the last 8 years. Live and learn I guess. Cointelpro certainly didn't stop with the Church committee in the 70s. I've long thought the experience in any radical group is meant to crush hope that people have any potential to change the obviously rotten arrangement of power. Same goes for idealists in electoral politics. We can always work to create meaningful solidarity among our own small network of people we are connected to in real life, and try to stay open minded to the similarities and allow for difference, but that's as real as most of us can actually ever count on.

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Hmmm... the FBI infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) to such a degree that the SWP leadership was almost completely composed of FBI infiltrators, who actually ended up writing the Party's programme! Reminds me the Stanislaw Lem novel, 'Memoirs Found in a Bathtub', where the two opposing forces, the US and the USSR, swapped places!

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I don't understand how anarchists are considered 'ultra Left'. To me anarchists are actually a crazy oddball wing of the ultra Right, one step further right than Libertarians. Anarchists are anti-authoritarian (good) but that is about it. Welcome to the baseline of being a human being. Everybody should be anti-authoritarian.

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Everyone isn't anti-authoritarian. The Communist Party is very much an agent of authoritarianism.

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Can you post links to the sources?

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Is this why Crimethinc is spiked with shit takes on Azov being just a bunch of trolls? I knew something went wrong with them but have never heard what exactly happened to them. That nonsense infected nearly every tepid anarchist group I was in, which tells me that the tepid anarchist groups were mostly tourists and fuzz in the first place.

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Antifa in Ukraine is fighting alongside the Nazis! Figures. To this very day, the anarchists hate all communist and socialist countries. Apparently none of them are the true, real communism anymore. Libertarian communists are no better. Twatskyites have been almost as bad, with Maotards close behind. The Western Left is simply irrelevant.

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