Apparently, Germany has at least one politician - Sevim Dağdelen - whose views on US recklessness, aggression and war crimes are the same as mine! I've been calling for the removal of all US troops and weapons from Europe, especially nuclear weapons, for the last 40 years.

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This lady is a true heroine as she states the obvious. De Gaulle tried to kick the f' ing Americans out in the sixties and they removed him from office.

What too few people have known for a long time is that Western Europe was liberated from one imperialist fascist and then rushed into waiting arms of another. Even before the war ended there were those in the US Administration, like Allan Wallace Dulles(CIA), preparing to go after Russia/USSR.

WW ll never ended it just changed venues with a new cast of villains

The inglorious West is supposed be the home of democracy but we really don't give a shit. We just crawl into bed with any old tyranny that comes along peddling war and chaos.

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God I hope this happens and the US doesn't coup her. Even wealthy European countries are being used as military bases. The US and Europe must stop exploiting the global south and the United States needs to stop intervening in other countries, including Germany. Get our troops out!

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Not going to happen

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