Japan's longest serving PM Shinzo Abe rewrote the Japanese empire's genocidal history. After WWII, the US rehabilitated fascist war criminals like Abe's grandfather in a right-wing one-party regime.
Three years after Fukushima Daiichi Shinzo Abe said “There are no health-related problems until now, nor will there be in the future, I make the statement to you in the most emphatic and unequivocal way.” He was a lying reactionary POS.
Three years after Fukushima Daiichi Shinzo Abe said “There are no health-related problems until now, nor will there be in the future, I make the statement to you in the most emphatic and unequivocal way.” He was a lying reactionary POS.
Benjamin, you are getting much too repetitive. It turns off your sudience.