Faktisk? What's the matter, they can't spell Fascist?

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Posted on Facebook. Will I get suspended?

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I love how Jose Vega got in the faces of all the corporate media editors yesterday- look for his video @JosBTrigga on the bird app

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Oh, yeah, Jose is brilliant! I wish I had a tenth of his courage and outspokenness!

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Thanks for shedding light on the US government's and others' censorship. It's becoming more and more obvious that the powers-that-be want to keep us in the dark. Thankfully we have Ben and others here at Substack to keep us informed.

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Hopefully, the Facebook blocking will get this report into the news.

Facebook also censors anything to do with climate change. Try making any reference at all and you will be sent to a collection of alarmist bullshit.

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The simple truth is that the US blew up the pipelines to consolidate its colonization of Europe which has been in place for the last 75 years, especially so after the collapse of the USSR in 1991. NATO no longer has to maintain the disguise of being a defense alliance. It is a powder monkey to Washington's wars and instrumental in the betrayal and collapse of Europe. "Euroamerica" is now the appropriate designation for Europe.

We should no longer refer to this as a cold war. We are seeing the opening chapters of WW III as NATO is pouring weapons and money into Ukraine, including depleted uranium ammunition. They are insuring there is no "off ramp" for this conflict which will force Russia to capture all of Ukraine to satisfy its legitimate security concerns NATO refused to negotiate over a year ago.

As Ben points out the Western media is clamping down on censorship more than ever which is a clear indication we are approaching major conflicts on both the Western Front(Ukraine) and Eastern Front (Taiwan).

NATO is making the same fundamental error it has made from day one--- attacking countries half-way around the world on their home turf. A country defending its home turf always has the advantage over the attacker as in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Afghanistan.

NATO has failed to win a decisive victory in Ukraine and yet it is now taking on the combined forces of both Russia and China. The dissolute West has yet to learn the meaning of Pyrrhic over 2000 years later, very slow students of history, down on all fours shitting themselves.

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Facebook has little clout, unless you include the enclave of US oligarchic Tech systems, ie: Google, Microsoft & the US Military Defense System, etc.

Seymour Hersh has plenty of experience in dealing with these US entities, including quite a few deep ties within the US military system.

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