From France. I don't know anyone right now who doesn't support Peace talks.

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To think the continuation of the war is no more than a stalling tactic until after a pathetic US presidential election that further disgraces the Republic before the world . Schizo Western politicians have dug themselves and us a very deep hole... its gonna be a long tortuous road back.

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No road back. They have put the final nail in their coffin. A new republic will rise from the ashes. Hopefully we will not let it fall again.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 15Liked by Ben Norton

It’s not a coincidence than alongside these findings the European countries are RIGHT NOW ramping up their lawfare and abuse of terrorism laws to silence critics of war and warmongering.

Because it’s not only about anti war regarding Palestine- it’s also about the fact that they have run out of Ukrainians pawns and are about to begin sacrificing European conscripts on the altar of war profits.

So the anti war voices are now more of a danger to them than ever before.

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Clown show

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It's irrelevant. Russia knows the US, EU and ZATO are worth talking to. Russia will achieve all of her goals in Ukro-Nazistan. Russia will also neutralize ZATO. Russia has already neutered ZATO! Slava Russiya! Z!🇷🇺

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