It's amazing to us, that so few amount of Westerners are willing, or able to comprehend what Dr. Hudson is telling us. The immense changes going on with this Multi-polar world will alter everyone's life, most especially millions of average Americans who are likely to end up completely impoverished as their Oligarchy shall assuredly throw them aside as they claw/steal and amass as much money as possible. What an indictment this will be on multiple millions of US citizens. A true tragedy of epic proportions.

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We've been in this process for some years, and remain determined to ignore the consequences - our long-growing poverty crisis. Millions of today's US poor WERE "average Americans." Today's US, streamlined to maximize profits, has lost multi-millions of jobs in recent decades - indeed, a huge chunk of the mfg. jobs that created the large middle class we once had.

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