The U.S. govt and Congress are corrupted like hell and taking the country to exactly thee: hell.

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They're out of their minds.

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Come on BRICS

My heavens these people are morons.

Just saw that Spain has decided to screw the EU and trade with China.

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Utterly fucking pathetic from the US. Even blocking scientific collaboration!

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This will have extreme repercussions on the US. I think that there are individuals in this government that don’t realize how important international relations is for all countries. Hurting countries in the East financially will deeply affect countries in the West. This will not work as is thought. Good luck on that.

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So much stupidity. Must be an election year.

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Remember when Richard Nixon opened up trade and relations with China? Nowadays I'm sure he would be denounced as .... something. A Xi stooge?

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American politicians run on fear, stupidity and paranoia. The Lindsey Graham Syndrome (LGS) is killing the Republic.

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Why doesn’t China kick out all the American manufacturers operating in China? The computer industry would not recover quickly.

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Because China has a brain!

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Because it's a requirement that China hold a majority stake in all joint ventures with international companies doing business there. It would be a business decision as well as political one.

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In any case, both US and China represent two faces of the same destructive techno-centric civilization, all be it dependent on cheap energy, endless extraction, and responsible for massive pollution, emissions, all for the conversion of the useful into the useless. After all, both nations fronted by a bunch of assholx, are convinced that infinite growth is possible on a finite planet. Now which one you opt for, is totally your own business and no consequence to the incoming future.

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