Excellent! May the exorbitant privilege end forever.

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The longer the delinquent West wages war and holds it populations in bondage to its wars, the legitimacy of the emerging multipolar world gains more traction. War against China becomes more and more inconceivable.

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Excellent move by the BRICS

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The USA is controlled by Neocon Nazis, Neolib Nazis, Femi-Nazis and Zio-Nazis.

The Zio-Nazis are a tiny minority of the US population, only 2.4%. They control Hollywood, the media, academia and our government. The Neocons show their solidarity and are easy to spot with their crossed 🇺🇸 and 🇮🇱 lapel pins. The Neolib Nazis and Femi-Nazis show their solidarity with their 🏳️‍🌈 lapel pins.

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The Nazi Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate is being overwhelmed by the Multipolar World.

In 1945 the USA picked up where the German Nazis left off. The USA was indoctrinated by the German Nazis and the USA imported a bunch of them with the program Project Paperclip. A Nazi put the USA on the Moon.

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The greedy scum dominating the World Bank and IMF need to be crushed. The people of America must force our government to apply for membership in BRICS+. The sooner the better to avoid financial and economic disaster in the West. Currently the elite who rule the West are a bunch of Nazis who need to be tried and convicted of corruption. In a just world, when convicted they would be executed.

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Longtail - The U.S. and other neocolonial nations have a lot to answer for, but I hope our new multi-polar world will be more driven by positive visions of a fairer and more peaceful world governed for the benefit of all people. Anger and resentment and blanket calls for violence are not a good way to bring this vision to reality.

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Point taken. I'm overwhelmed with anger. However, I didn't make a blanket call for violence. I called for justice. I mentioned due process and what has been appropriate consequence.

I'm with you in hoping for a multipolar world you hope for. That's for sure.

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This is a time of both great danger and great opportunity. We have to keep reminding ourselves of where we really want and need to go. Our calls for justice need to be forward looking. I'm glad we're on the same side!

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Regarding my country the USA, if you can't beat them, join them. We should be preemptive and apply for BRICS+ membership. Currently that's impossible because of our elites who are full of hate towards Russia and China.

There needs to be regime change in my country and Europe. It's my understanding that the approval ratings of FJB, Schtolz and Macron are in the cellar. They all definitely need to go.

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We should have let Russia join NATO after the Soviet Union broke up in the early 1990s.

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You have that right. NATO didn't want to let them because it was bad for the businesses of the American Monopoly.

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Why are you overwhelmed with anger?

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Sympathize with your outrage and anger. But instead of execution these brothers and sisters should be put to work and given a chance to contribute instead of being parasites to society.

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