Blackrock wants Ukro-Nazistan and Russia too. Fink the chairman of Blackrock is a Zionist.

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Western Corporate profiteers from massacres in the Gaza and elsewhere across the Middle East center in the World Economic Forum's 100 Stragegic Partners. Several are cited in your piece, BEN! Here are links for more investigations, from October and December 2023.

October 2023--WEF Strategic Partners' Land-Grab


December 2023--Meet the Banks behind Starbuck's and Lockheed Martin, ...


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Yes the WEF is a vanity project of virtue signalling rich people involved in all sorts of money making stuff. I hope you haven't fallen for the alleged WEF green agenda nonsense and ended up supporting Big Oil and Imperialism by mistake. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/the-wef-agenda-of-depopulation-and

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