The US is determined to become the global outcast, its sociopathy is out of control.

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One of many nails it’s pounding into its own coffin.

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And, even more ironically, it was the long and protracted revolution in Haiti (1791-1803) that so bankrupted Napoleon’s treasury that he was forced to sell what we know as the Louisiana Purchase to the US.

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Where hasn’t the US invaded the political system of a country? And yet every time, without exception, it brandishes itself as the moral hero.

The Monroe Doctrine was established in 1823 during the administration of James Monroe, a period of time ironically known as The Era of Good Feelings but this bullying behavior goes further back to little publicized incidents such as plans during the War of 1812 to invade Canada and annex it as well as allying itself with Great Britain, France and Spain in a blockade against Haiti after its hard fought war of independence in 1803. Ironically enough Dessalines and the Haitian people took their inspiration in large part from the Revolutionary War in the US as well as the French Revolution.

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Look out Mexico, the US is talking about sending its army into your country under the pretext of fighting a war on drugs.

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The U.S. claiming that any leader of being autocratic is a very severe case of "the pot calling the kettle black".

U.S. Ivy League educated elites the fill the ranks of the U.S. security and foreign policy establishments have been mad for a long time and they get madder by the day.

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Va Por Mexico will win the next election. The INE issue doesn’t matter. He is just settling old scores. US media is corrupt and clueless.

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